This or That? Client FAQs Answered by One Of Your Fave Photogs (Me!)

Check out my fun Instagram Reels on the topic over on my account @NykiElle!

Check out my fun Instagram Reels on the topic over on my account @NykiElle!

If you’re new to the photo shoot world or just don’t do them often, you may be unclear on a few things surrounding your shoot. Here are answers to a few of the most popular questions I’ve heard or been asked. Hopefully, this sheds a little insight onto your photo shoot planning and helps you get everything you need in order so you can rock out once you get in front of the camera!

Book Your Shoot in Advance -OR- Wait Til the Last Minute

Definitely book ahead. While your photographer may have some last-minute availability, booking without proper time to plan could cause stress on everyone.

Studio Set -OR- On Location?

It’s up to you! Think about the overall vibe you want to have in your shoot. If this is a photo shoot for your brand, what kind of set would complement your pieces? If this is a personal portrait session, how do you intend to use the images? All of those factors can inform your set choice. Also, if you’re on a tighter budget, you may want to avoid studio rental fees and opt for a dope outdoor location instead.

 Share A Shoot Idea -OR- Keep It to Yourself

If you’re working with me, def share your ideas! I love collaborating with my clients, both ahead of time as we’re planning the shoot concept and on-set, if you see a cool spot for a shot. A lot of times, ideas get stronger when you share them, so let’s collaborate!

 Prep As Soon As You Book -OR- Prep the Night Before?

Definitely, prep as soon as you book.  If you’re investing in a photo shoot, you want to make sure everything will be as perfect as possible, and that will come with proper planning. Start thinking about looks. Make your appointment with your barber. Book you hair and makeup artist. Thinking of using props? Begin to gather and set those aside. The more you plan ahead of time, the less stressful you’ll feel going into your shoot.

  One Look -OR- A Few?

I’m always one for having options, so I say bring a few! Even if you are only shooting one look, it will help to have at least one alternate option. Once you and your photog meet in person, he or she may have an idea of what will look best on you, on your set. Or, if something unexpected happens, at least you’ll have a backup.

Tighten Up Your Details Ahead of Time -OR- Let the Photog Retouch It Out?

You better tighten them up! We’re talking ironing your clothes, paying special attention to your lineup or hair and makeup, shaving where necessary, pulling out the lint roller, moisturizing…alladat! Sure, your photog could be skilled enough to make adjustments on the back end, but that could also mean shelling out more cash for a professional retoucher and a delay in receiving your images. Why deal with all of that, when you can make the adjustments yourself ahead of time (shrug)

 Show Up Alone -OR- Bring A Friend

 Now, I know we’re currently in covid times and trying to be as safe as possible, with as few people on set as possible. But aside from that, I don’t think it’s a crazy idea to bring a friend with you to the shoot, especially if you aren’t very familiar with your photographer. Unfortunately, there are still creepers out here trying to lure and up-and-coming models to their sets, so if a friend would make you feel more at ease, I say bring them. But! Make sure they are just there for moral support and aren’t trying to  hop in your shots or get in the way of your photog doing their job.

 The Cheaper Photog -OR- The Photog Who Fulfills Your Vision?

Now, I know we all like to save our coins where we can, but while there is a time to save, I also believe there is a time to invest. You want to be happy with your images long after the shoot is over and you want them to match the vision you have. While you’re checking out photogs, I say don’t let budget be you only deciding factor.

 Follow Up with Your Potential Photog -OR- Ghost Them?

Pleeeease follow up. Even if you’ve decided to hire some else, just send a quick email to say you’ve decided to go in a different direction. We will totally understand and greatly appreciate your respect for our time.

 Honor Your Photographer Friend’s Rates -OR- Ask For the Homie Hookup?

Please honor your friend 🙏🏽. Remember that aside from an interest in photography, they are also a business owner trying to make a living just like you are. If they offer a discount, surely take it, but please don’t devalue their work by pressuring them to lower their rates or do something for you for free.


Hopefully these answers hAve settled some of your concerns going into your photo shoot, but if you have more questions, feel free to reach out to me on IG @NykiElle to ask any other questions you have (Bonus: You can also check out the Instagram Reels I did to answer a few of these questions). Talk to you soon!

Nyki Reed